Thursday, October 15, 2015

Specimen #8 Moss

Specimen 8: Moss

Figure 1: This species is 5-15 cm tall when upright; stalk of capsule is 5-9 cm tall.

Figure 2: Leaves are narrow and pointed; tightly pressed to stem when dry.

Figure 3: Capsules are four-sided, box-like, with a disk at the base.

Figure 4: Leaves are about 6-10 mm long.

Figure 5: Leaves are narrow, thick, and has teeth running from its base to the tip; midrib hard to recognize, as it fills most of the blade.

Scientific Name: Polytrichum commune
Common Name: Common Haircap Moss
Order: Polytrichales
Family: Polytrichaceae
Collection Date: September 10, 2015
Habitat: Moist soil, along margins of bogs, swamps, lakes, often shaded
Location: Triangle Lake - Kent, OH
Description: Four-sided capsule with disk, 6-10 mm long; large; plant 5-10 cm tall, upright, look like pine tree seedlings
Collector: Breanna Beltz

Key Used: McKnight, K.B, Rohrer, J.R., et al. 2013. Common Mosses of the Northeast and Appalachians. Princeton University Press. Princeton, NJ.

Key Steps:
  • Acrocarpous
  • Leaf shape: Lance
  • Midrib: Yes
    • Key II, pp. 342-350
    • Darker green, brownish black, midrib visible --> 3
    • Not submerged in water, not folded @ base --> 4
    • Not wavy when wet --> 9
    • Leaves mostly > or = to 4 mm long --> 10
    • Wet leaves stiff, thick, opaque - midrib visible @ base --> 14
    • Leaf margin toothed except along leaf base, capsule with or without disk --> 17
    • Capsule four-sided, like box --> 19
    • Capsule with disk at attachment to stalk --> Polytrichum commune pp. 57

This species is used in New Zealand as a decorative material for cloaks, woven into the fabric. They provide extra warmth, as well. This moss is used to make teas to relieve and dissolve gall bladder and kidney stones, and to strengthen hair. The leaves have been used to make brooms, brushes, rugs, baskets, and more (Ohio University).


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