Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Specimen #2 Moss

Specimen 2: Moss

Figure 1: Wet, semi-flaring, translucent leaves are imaged 

Figure 2: Wet, semi-flaring, translucent leaves, light green appearance

Figure 3: Dry, cylindrical specimen on rock substrate

Figure 4: Dry, cylindrical specimen, with overlapping, cupped leaves 

Scientific Name: Entodon seductrix
Common Name: Cord Glaze Moss
Order: Hyphales
Family: Entodontaceae
Collection Date: September 1, 2015
Habitat: Rock, shaded area, surrounded by other mosses, dry woods
Location: Bonney Castle - Hiram College - Hiram, OH
Description: Shiny, glossy, densely crowded, overlapping, cupped leaves, wet leaves translucent
Collector: Breanna Beltz

Key Used: McKnight, K.B, Rohrer, J.R., et al. 2013. Common Mosses of the Northeast and Appalachians. Princeton University Press. Princeton, NJ.

Key Steps:
  • Pleurocarpous 
  • Leaf shape: Ovate
  • Midrib: No
    • Key IX, pp. 369-375
    • 3-Dimenional leaves --> 12
    • Leaves are single color --> 13
    • Stems are green to brown --> 17
    • Dry habitat --> 23
    • Branches appear cylindrical --> 26
    • Leaves 1-2 mm long - plants mid-sized --> 29
    • Growing on rock, not much changes when wet, leaves @ 45* angle when wet --> 31
    • Crowded, overlapping, wormlike branches --> 32
    • Capsules are cylindrical, very short point --> Entrodon seductrix pp. 291

This species can be found on rocks, logs, and tree bases throughout eastern North America (Ohio Moss & Lichen Association).

Figure 5: Species distribution in Ohio


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